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Home / Graphics / Neige


Neige is an incredible artist who does fan art collages that must be seen to be believed. These are large pictures so I'm not even going to try to scale them down for a thumbnail. Just click on the links and download the full picture.

Lucky for me, Neige is a fan of my work so these include collages done specifically for my stuff. Yay!

Epiphany One - a general Epiphany collage.

Epiphany Two - an Epiphany collage done in honor of events that take place in Arc Two.

Epiphany Three - containing a quote from The Past but it also captures the overall tone of the series.

Lust for a Reason Black and White - one collage, two backgrounds, done in honor of Lust for a Reason.

Alegria - a general Angel/Wesley collage.

RPGFH - a collage done in honor of the RPG From Hell.

Bluegrass - an Angel/Wes collage

Chore - another Angel/Wes collage

Cat and Mouse 1 - the first collage she did for Cat & Mouse

Cat and Mouse 2 - the second Cat & Mouse collage

Dichotomy - a study of Wes and Angel's darker sides.

Experience - a thoughtful Angel/Wes piece.

Merry Xmas - an Angel/Wes Christmas collage done as a gift for me.

Protocol - a collage done for Protocol

Strategy - a Wes/Connor collage done for Strategy.

LJ banner - an Angel/Spike/Wes banner done for my LJ.

We Never Change - a study of s5 Angel and Wesley

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